The recent fake sting operation of Delhi based school teacher has raised many question. Specially piousness and ethics of journalism. The TV Channel perished all the prestige earned by that lady teacher. Not only this the kingpin alleged reporter Prakash Singh has also tarnished the image of broadcast media. The fake encounter was well planned and committed with grievous intention. The mushrooming media industry and lack skilled media persons are giving rise to these kinds of culpable crimes. Some have come with intentions of only making money this may christened as Extortion Journalism.
There fore a renaissance is needed. Spawning media and good talent crunch is resulting some cumbersome incidents. Some nuisance creators are willing to take media on the verge of evil image, as we know that these kind of practices are prevalent in West. Yellow Journalism, Check book Journalism, Kiss and Tell & Kiss journalism, Paparazzi are the defamed ones. As we take all the format from Western Media so all the garbage is coming is necessary because we don't think we are not thinking and willing to think that what price we will pay ?
If this media lose it's credibility then healing will take Lot's of time. And may be, we witness TV Burst as happened in the case of dot.coms.
Because it is audience who dislodges any one, then it is for long period.
In the recent cases e.g. Salman Khans abusive tapes, Union Minister M.R. Gavit's alleged fake conversation with mafia have landed media in trouble.
With the present scenario and fake sting operation, Govt may pile up pressure on Broadcast Media. Already the issue of Broadcast Bill is hovering over. So there is a need of correction of faultline that has been appeared. In absence of effective step or preventive step gagging intentions will flare up. So this serious thinking and pondering time.
Stings Ops must not be stopped when in it is Public Interest. Then and that case Judiciary will hail it and uphold it. But who follows self discipline when there blind race is going one. TRP is making them without any feeling of human touch. One has to set the yardstick of good journalism, we Indian's have covered a long journy in Print Media. Good journalism and it's innovations must be preserved.
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