Friday, March 21, 2008

FICCI Forum 2008

FICCI, has been playing a pioneering role in projecting the promise and the potential of the Inidan entertainment industry from getting the film industry to be recognised as an industry to corporatisation and access to clean, institutional funding. FICCI, very closely worked with the Ministry for Information & Broadcasting and was instrumental for getting the offical recognition of the entertainment sector, including films as an Industry.
The first ever report on the Indian entertainment industry authored by FICCI was released in 2001.
FICCI-FRAMES: Asia's Biggest Convention on the Business of Entertainment (2500 delegates from over 22 Countries)
FICCI instituted the first ever Animation Awards in India in 2004, FICCI BAF (Best Animated FRAMES) Awards, to recognize the excellence in Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects.
Works closely with both, Central and State Governments on Key Policy isues.
Showcases the promise and potential of India media & Entertainment Sector at various international forums.
International Linkages : CASBAA, WIPO, PROMAX, MIPTV, MIPCOM, ANNECY Animation festival, MPAA, VES, FICCI-IIFA Forum, LIMA, ATF etc.

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